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About Me

Hello All!


Welcome to my blog Bring Uganda Home. For more information on my mission in writing this blog, feel free to visit Mission & Ground Rules.


For some context on whose perspective you're getting...


I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Following high school, I served with AmeriCorps NCCC from 2011 - 2012 (highly recommend for anyone looking to take a gap year following high school or college!). 


After serving in AmeriCorps NCCC, I attended Cornell University and majored in Industrial and Labor Relations with a minor in Business. While at Cornell, I participated heavily in the Cornell University Mock Trial Association and was also involved in the Cornellian Yearbook as head business manager, the Society for Women in Business (SWIB) and Kappa Alpha Theta. 


I graduated from Cornell University in May of 2016 and began my service with Peace Corps Uganda in November of 2016. I will serve with Peace Corps until 2019.


Following Peace Corps, I will attend Harvard law school. â€‹


If you would like to contact me, please feel free to shoot me an email using the form below.


Please enjoy the blog!

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