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  • Carrier - The second PCV who works at a site. Peace Corps Uganda Education currently operates (theoretically) on a model of each site receiving 3 PCV's: a starter, carrier, and a finisher. I am a carrier.


  • CD  - Country Director – The individual in charge of Peace Corps for an entire country.  


  • Cohort – A group of volunteers who arrive in the country at the same time. In Uganda, there are usually two cohorts who enter at different times. One cohort is all of the education volunteers (roughly 30 – 35 people). The second cohort is a combination of agriculture and health volunteers. My cohort in Uganda is called “Cohort 5” because we are the 5th education cohort to arrive in country*.

* Technically there have been more than 5 education cohorts in Uganda, but when the focus of education shifted from secondary school math/science to primary literacy, the cohort numbers started over.


  • COS - Close Out/Of Service - When a PCV finishes their service it is called COS-ing or Closing Out/Of [Your] Service!


  • ET – Early Termination – When a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) ends their service early. Technically, ET-ing should encompass any reason for ending service early, including situations which may be outside of the volunteer’s control. Involuntary reasons for ending service early might include medical issues, political unrest, administrative separation, etc. However, in practice, ET-ing generally refers to a volunteer ending their service early voluntarily.


  • Finisher - The third PCV who works at a site. Peace Corps Uganda Education currently operates (theoretically) on a model of each site receiving 3 PCV's: a starter, carrier, and a finisher. I am a carrier.


  • IST – In-Service Training – Training that occurs once volunteers have been in service for 6 months.


  • Microaggression -A statement, action or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as racial or ethnic minority. 


  • Single Story – Please watch this amazing TED talk to fully understand this concept. This is perhaps one of the most educational concepts I have learned in my time in Uganda.


  • Staging – Staging is a part of training that occurs before PST. For our cohort, staging took place over 3 days in Washington, D.C. Following staging, we flew out to Uganda to begin our 3 months of Pre-Service training (PST) before serving as Peace Corps volunteers (PCVs).


  • Starter - The first PCV who works at a site. Peace Corps Uganda Education currently operates (theoretically) on a model of each site receiving 3 PCV's: a starter, carrier, and a finisher. I am a carrier.


  • Trainer – A leadership position within Peace Corps. Trainers run pre-service training (PST) and are in charge of training the new volunteers for the first 3 months of service.


  • PC  - Peace Corps - A volunteer program run by the United States government. The stated mission of the Peace Corps includes providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. (Taken from the Peace Corps Wikipedia page)


  • PCMO - Peace Corps Medical Office - The medical office and staff that are in charge of PCV's health while in service.


  • PCT – Peace Corps Trainee - What volunteers are called for the first 3 months in service while in pre-service training (PST).


  • PCV – Peace Corps Volunteer


  • PCVL – Peace Corps Volunteer Leader – A leadership position within Peace Corps that works closely with staff, trainers, and trainees.


  • PST – Pre-Service Training - The first 3 months in a country are spent training to become a volunteer. This training is called “PST” and volunteers during this time are referred to as trainees or PCT’s.


  • RPCV – Returned Peace Corps Volunteer – PCV’s who have completed their service. 


Terms to Know

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