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Swear Not By the Moon

I'm sorry my blog posts are so inconsistent.

A proper apology is supposed to include a way to fix the behavior in the future, but the truth is that sometimes, for a month or so at a time, I don't feel particularly moved to write anything. Or, better yet, I'm too busy to write anything. Then, a series of small thoughts begin to build and they spill out in the form of three or four posts in succession, only to be followed by more silence.

I think this pattern is probably just who I am as a writer, so for those of you loyal enough to check through the month of silence, I hope you find yourself amply rewarded when new content appears. I guess the message, then, is:

"Sorry I'm inconsistent, please lower your expectations."

And... sorry I'm bad at apologizing.


"Nothing that is not a real crime makes a man appear so contemptible and little in the eyes of the world as inconstancy."

- Joseph Addison

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