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D.E.A.R. Day 2018

Another year, another D.E.A.R.

Many of the thoughts I had last year about D.E.A.R. Day apply to this year, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

I think the photos (found under "Photos & Videos tab") are some of the most poignant examples of there being more to bind us to strangers than to break us.

I arrived over a year ago, a stranger in a strange land, completely unprepared for what "Uganda" was and unsure of how much common ground (if any) I'd find.

At times, admittedly, it can feel like there's not much, but I think these photos reveal that a love of learning and a love of family run deeper than ethnicity, nationality, and your nation's GDP.

I hope that with these photos you will see more of what makes the "them's" look a lot like the "us's" in this crazy, hyped-up world.

Weebale ("Thank you" in Luganda)

(Note: All photos taken with the consent of the pupils, parents, class teachers, and Head Mistress)


- Pupils reading during D.E.A.R. Day 2018

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